// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Jurgita’s birthday cakes

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet mandag 27. oktober , 2014 kl. 21:34

Last Sunday we celebrated Jurgitas 34th birthday on Kendwa beach with a nice dinner at Amani restaurant. Together with two Norwegian doctors, two economists, a journalist, a sociologist, a lawyer and Africas bravest nurse according to the magazine Tara, we had a great evening which ended with a beach-party at the hotel Kendwa Rocks.

The staff at the restaurant came out singing, dancing and with a chocolate cake that made the evening even more memorable.

On Haukeland house we celebrate everyone’s birthday, but because we were on a weekend-trip, we organized cake, ice-cream and coffee on the rooftop terrace. The celebration started at 17:00 with children singing the Norwegian version of the birthday-song and more people joined us later in the evening.

One of the biggest surprises was the birthday-cake which was designed as a door. Zanzibar is famous for its very special doors, and the cake looked fantastic! The guy who was making the cake told us: as you are celebrating your birthday in Zanzibar, it should be Zanzibar style. Besides, it has a symbolic meaning as you open the door for the new adventures…

The birthday-celebration-week finished last Saturday. So, even if we’re far away from our families and close friends, the fantastic people we’ve met here have really made it special.

Here are some pictures of the cakes and the celebration!

Jurgitas birthday cake designed as a Zanzibar traditional door.

Jurgitas birthday cake designed as a Zanzibar traditional door.

Celebrating "Jörgita" with small cakes at Crystal restaurant.

Celebrating «Jörgita» with small cakes at Crystal restaurant.

Tasty brownie with vanilla at Amani hotel.

Tasty brownie with vanilla at Amani hotel.

Jurgita at a beach party with her favorite beer; Kilimanjaro.

Jurgita at a beach party with her favorite beer; Kilimanjaro.

More cake, icecream and coffe with friends at Haukeland house.

More cake, icecream and coffe with friends at Haukeland house.


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