// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

The train-ride of our life

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 3. mai , 2015 kl. 20:57

We were exited and didn’t know what to expect when we decided to take the train from Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia and all the way back to Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania (1800 kilometers). We could have flown back, but we were out for a new adventure.

As a group of 11 people we booked 4 first class compartments with a total of four bunk beds in each.

We knew the train would take around 54 hours (delays up to 24 hours are not uncommon…). We had some good advices what we should bring with us, as toilet paper, mosquito-killer spray, wet napkins, wine… (a complete list may be sent on request if anyone is interested :) so we felt we were well equipped for our train-adventure. We “checked-inn” at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, used the napkins to clean the compartment, spray to kill the cockroaches, and we were all set for the trip.

The train-ride was all about playing games, talking, reading books and watching the amazing scenery; flat in Zambia and beautiful acres of sunflowers and green mountainsides in Tanzania.

The trip was just unforgettable! We were lucky (or maybe not?) as the train was only 7 hours delayed when we arrived to Dar Sunday midnight. I personally could have stayed on that train for another 24 hours!

After travelling by plane, bus and train we returned to our beautiful Zanzibar by ferry.

Would we take the train again? Yes, no doubts!

A ride trough beautiful landscape in Zambia and Tanzania.

A ride trough beautiful landscape in Zambia and Tanzania.

Four-beds compartment. Not bad. Very luxury 40 years ago.

Four-beds compartment. Not bad. Very luxury 40 years ago.

Our travelmate Hanne with a license to kill bugs!

One of our travelmates Hanne with a license to kill bugs!

Kari and Annette enjoying life on the train.

Kari and Annette enjoying life on the train.

Jurgita and Kari in the window of our compartment.

Jurgita and Kari in the window of our compartment.

How to get aircondition on a train!

How to get aircondition on a train!

Daily life at one of the many train-stations.

Daily life at one of the many train-stations.

In the restaurant we could choose either rice with beef, chicken or fish, or sometimes only chicken. But it was cheap!!

In the restaurant we could choose either rice with beef, chicken or fish, or sometimes only chicken. But at least it was cheap!!

Beautiful scenery in Tanzania.

Beautiful scenery in Tanzania.


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