// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Safari to Botswana

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 26. april , 2015 kl. 15:20

During our Easter-trip to Victoria Falls we also went on a safari to Chobe River and national park in Botswana. We took a daytrip from Zambia and drove one hour to get to the border. From there we took a small ferry to Botswana and started our safari in Chobe national park.

It’s a special place called Africa’s 4 corners and Jurgita received messages from the telephone operator saying “Welcome to Botswana”, “Welcome to Namibia” and “Welcome to Zambia” just within some hours.

We did not see many animals in the river, just some crocodiles, birds and a monitory lizard, but in the forest we were surrounded by elephants, we saw a lot of buffaloes, zebras and giraffes.

Well… we’ve written quite a lot about safaris, and I won’t repeat myself. But now we know- we’ll never get bored of seeing elephants, giraffes and other wild animals…

Here are some of the pictures we took!

Big, beautiful elephant in Chobe national park, Botswana.

Big, beautiful elephant in Chobe national park, Botswana.

The elephants where not afraid of us or our car.

The elephants where not afraid of us or our car.

But even the small ones tell you when you are to close.

But even the small ones tell you when you are to close.

Large giraffs wandering around Chobe national park.

Large giraffs wandering around Chobe national park.


And looking funny when they need a some water.

And looking funny when they need a some water.

Monkeys having fun just in front of our car.

Monkeys having fun just in front of our car.

A baboon-baby feels safe on the back of the mother.

A baboon-baby feels safe on the back of the mother.

3,5 meter long croc luring in the bush.

3,5 meter long croc luring in the bush.

Monitory-lizard looking for food.

Monitory-lizard looking for food.

Drying his wings before take off.

Drying his wings before take off.

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