// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Creatures of the shore

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 7. desember , 2014 kl. 11:29

As we have written earlier there is a major difference between high tide and low tide here on Zanzibar. It can be up to four or five meters difference in just six hours.

That means that we now and then have to walk 200 meters from the beach to where the water begins, and maybe 300 meters more if we want to find water deep enough to swim. Normally we check the tidal before we go to Mbweni ruins beach close to Haukeland house. When it’s high-tide the area is really nice and you can jump to the sea and swim as much as you want.

This coral stone is under water when its high tide.

This coral stone is under water when its high tide.

No jumping from the pier, please!

No jumping from the pier, please!

However, we were curious to see what’s there under water where swim. Because when the water disappears, sometimes the living creatures are left behind. Actually a lot of them from colorful sea-stars, to crabs, sea-worms, shells, sea-urchins and snakes, some live in the sand; others are just waiting for the water to come back.

So we checked the tidal-water, took our camera and went there when the tide was low. Our goal was to take pictures of all living features we found on our trip. And we were so amazed of what we saw, that we’ve been doing it several times in other beaches too. Jurgita fell in love with sea-stars, so we go to visit them whenever we can (red are the favorite ones).

The advice is to always look where you put your foot and remember to use plastic-shoes.

Here are the pictures we took!

A half meter long plant-eating seaworm.

A half meter long plant-eating seaworm.

Its alive and moving. But we don´t know what this slimy blue animal is.

Its alive and moving. But we don´t know what this slimy blue animal is.

A crab to big to hide in his shellhouse.

A crab to big to hide in his shellhouse.

Sea-urchins. Don´t step on them.

Sea-urchins. Don´t step on them.

We found many of these shells. Anyone know what they are?

We found many of these shells. Anyone know what they are?

Jurgitas favourite: Red sea-stars!

Jurgitas favourite: Red sea-stars!

Beautiful orange seastar.

Beautiful orange seastar.

Seastars come in all kind of colours.

Seastars come in all kind of colours.

A black and white snake looking for food.

A black and white snake looking for food.

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