// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Just an ordinary day

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet tirsdag 18. november , 2014 kl. 20:32

The stories we post on our blog show how nice it is in Zanzibar. And it absolutely is!

However, not all the days and not everything is so perfect here as it might look like. We do see many things that are not ok and which are difficult to write about…

So how does an ordinary day look like?

It starts with a cold shower (as we don’t have hot water in our apartment…).

The driver drives us to the hospital. Sometimes I have lunch with my colleagues at work, sometimes with my Norwegian colleagues-neighbors-friends from the house, and sometimes I just forget I should have eaten…

At work, the internet comes and disappears several times a day. Quite often the electricity disappears too, but normally the generators switch on automatically… And if they don’t… well yes, unfortunately, the consequences might be quite severe…

After work sometimes we go to the city. I LOVE Stone Town!! It’s such a fantastic city and I still have a huge job in front of me to figure out where all the narrow streets end… Luckily Thomas is usually with me so I don’t get lost (it’s not a secret any more- I’m not so good with the directions…:). However, lately I’ve just been too tired to carry my computer, notes, etc. with me around. So I’m usually going home when the driver comes to pick us up.

I usually do some more work when I get home (especially if there is internet in the house…).

But we also go bicycling (you should see the bicycles we’re using here!), have smoothies at our favorite café in the neighborhood, go to the beach nearby or just stay at the rooftop watching the sun go down.

We try to exercise a couple of times a week, but it’s not always so easy when it’s +29 outside and +27 in the gym-room…

To sum up: compared to what we are used to at home, not everything is so idyllic and perfect here… Sometimes it’s really tough. Sometimes we feel really helpless. But life goes on and we keep working, hoping that some of the things we do here now will make a difference in the long run…

6 o´clock in the morning getting ready for work.

7 o´clock in the morning getting ready for work.

If we are early enough there is still food at the cafeteria at the hospital.

If we are early enough there is still food at the cafeteria at the hospital.

Bicycling to have a coffee at Tupamoja café close to Haukeland house.

Bicycling to have a coffee at Tupamoja café close to Haukeland house.

No coffee.. Not only us who had a tough day.

No coffee.. Not only us who had a tough day.

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