// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Dancing with a Masai-tribe

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet torsdag 26. mars , 2015 kl. 21:33

We were told there are around 120 tribes in Tanzania. On the way to Arusha from the National Parks up north we decided to visit a Masai village.

They are semi-nomadic, they don´t hunt animals and have cows and goats. We were told they need to have at least 20 cows in order to get married. And as long as you have cows there are no restrictions for how many wives they can have…

We paid our entrance-fee and were met by the dancing Masai women and men. We were then shown around, went into their house and visited the school.

The Masai village was just outside Serengeti. It consists of about 20 huts made by straw, built by the woman, when the men are taking care of the animals. Inside is a sleeping-area for up to 4 people. It’s a very simple life with no electricity. (And definitely no Internet)

– We have been here since 1990, said one of the guys at village. He was only 23, and of course born in this village. When the nomadic people will move again, nobody knows.

– How many wives do you have, we asked?

– None, I don´t have enough cows yet, he smiled at us before waiving goodbye.

We walked around the village, said hello to many people and bought some small gifts before we continued our journey back to Arusha.

Jurgita dancing with a group of Masai-woman close to Serengeti.

Jurgita dancing with a group of Masai-woman close to Serengeti.

Men of the Masai village wishing us welcome to their homes.

Men of the Masai village wishing us welcome to their homes.

Two woman with colorful clothes.

Two woman with colorful clothes.

Young students at the school shaking Jurgitas hand.

Young students at the school shaking Jurgitas hand.

Masai-woman using large and heavy jewelers in their ears.

Masai-woman using large and heavy jewelers in their ears.

Daily life at the Masai-village!

Daily life at the Masai-village!

Inside one of the small huts were up to four people sleeps.

Inside one of the small huts were up to four people sleeps.

Full of colours and jewelers.

Full of colours and jewelers.

Two curious small kids looking at us from the door.

Two curious small kids looking at us from the door.

This is how a typical Masai-village looks like. 120 persons live in this village.

This is how a typical Masai-village looks like. 120 persons live in this village.

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