// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Tarangire, Ngorongoro and Serengeti

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet tirsdag 10. februar , 2015 kl. 06:07

The parks are not like a zoo: no one is guaranteed to see “the big five” or any other animal one wishes to see. But we were lucky! Not only had we seen the big five, but also lots of other animals.

It’s simply impossible to describe how it feels to drive around and watch the animals living their lives: sleeping, playing, hunting, eating… Therefore we’ll just let pictures talk for themselves… It’s so amazing, the animals just so don’t care that we are around watching them!

Here are a few of the photos we took during our safari in Tarangire, Ngorongoro and the world famous Serengeti.

Elephant bigger than our Toyota Landcruiser crossing the road.

Elephant bigger than our Toyota Landcruiser crossing the road.

Hippos relaxing in the waters of the Ngorongoro crater.

Hippos relaxing in the waters of the Ngorongoro crater.

Three male lions relaxing in the shadow after eating a buffalo.

Three male lions relaxing.

Lion having a dinner (buffalo)

Lion having a dinner (buffalo)

What do most of us like to do after a good meal? Rest. So do the lions (preferably in the shadow as it’s quite hot). And if the only shadow around is because of the cars – why not to lay down there?

What do most of us like to do after a good meal? Rest. So do the lions (preferably in the shadow as it’s quite hot). And if the only shadow around is because of the cars – why not to lay down there?

3)Elephants: It seems they love bathing! Not so sure if they get any cleaner after that but it’s really amazing to watch them!

Elephants: It seems they love bathing! Not so sure if they get any cleaner after that but it’s really amazing to watch them!

4)Leopard: she was just showing off! Going zig-zag between the cars from one side to another as if she couldn’t decide which way to go…

Leopard: she was just showing off! Going zig-zag between the cars from one side to another as if she couldn’t decide which way to go…

Buffalos: hundreds of them!

Buffalos: hundreds of them!

6)Rhinos: Far away, but close enough to see how they eat and move… There are around 23 of them in Ngorongoro crater, and we got to see three of them!

Rhinos: Far away, but close enough to see how they eat and move… There are around 23 of them in Ngorongoro crater, and we got to see three of them!

Geopard (Chita): The world’s fastest animal. But also a good mother for her baby.

Geopard (Chita): The world’s fastest animal. But also a good mother for her baby.

Zebras: classically black & white

Zebras: classically black & white

Wildebeests: Let’s go to find some water!

Wildebeests: Let’s go to find some water!

Giraffe: Slow down: giraffes crossing

Giraffe: Slow down: giraffes crossing

A bird for lunch?

A bird for lunch?

In the car.

In the car.

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