// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Unforgettable weekend in Paje

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet tirsdag 25. november , 2014 kl. 08:47
Endless sand and crystal clear water in Paje, southwest on Zanzibar island.

Endless sand and crystal clear water in Paje, southwest on Zanzibar island.

Paje is the second beach-destination we have visited on Zanzibar. It’s located on the southwest side of the island, about one hour drive from Haukeland house. Just as Kendwa up north, it is absolutely stunning – but so different!

While there is almost no difference if it’s low- or high tide in Kendwa, it’s huge difference in Paje. And sometimes you have to walk for more than one hour to reach the water that is deep enough to swim. When it is high tide, the water is coming almost all the way up to the hotel we stayed at.

But walking to the deep and 32 degrees Celcius warm water in Paje is an adventure. You will pass many seaweed-farms where men and woman are working hard. You are also passing young kids that are using nets to catch small fish and maybe an octopus or two. On the way you also se a lot of fantastic shells, some sea stars and maybe a snake if you are lucky.

Jurgita looking at two of the manye giant sea-stars that we found in Paje.

Jurgita looking at two of the many giant sea-stars that we found in Paje.

Beautiful sea-star surrounded by spiky sea urchins.

Beautiful sea-star surrounded by spiky sea urchins.

Sea-weed farms are everywhere in Paje.

Sea-weed farms are everywhere in Paje.

If you get tired walking in the shallow water, there are small areas where you can sit down and just relax in the bathtub-hot water…

We had a fantastic weekend in Paje with 10 other Norwegians, some from Haukeland house, while other were visiting from Bergen. The weekend was spent mostly on the beach and around the swimming pool. We also attended a great beach-party where both tourists and locals were dancing all night long…

Young kids fishing in the shallow water

Young kids fishing in the shallow water.

Great view from our restaurant.

Great view from our restaurant.

Palms moving in the light breeze.

Palms moving in the light breeze.

Our weekend in Paje ended with an evening where we all had our dinner at the beach around a bonfire. It felt great, the food was amazing. So were the people. And when the economist Oliver (he should definitely join the Norwegian Idol!) and his brother Jon Espen started to sing and play guitar, the night continued until 02.00 making it one of the most memorable nights in Zanzibar so far.

Bonfire on the beach on our last night in Paje!

Bonfire on the beach on our last night in Paje!

Melissa, Jurgita and Gunn-Elin at the beach in the evening.

Melissa, Jurgita and Gunn-Elin at the beach in the evening.


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