// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar


Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 9. november , 2014 kl. 18:00

To those of you who thought it was sunshine all the time in Zanzibar: Nope!!! The last week we´ve felt like we were in Bergen (well, except for the temperature of course… It’s still more than 30 degrees Celsius).

November is considered as semi- rainy season, as they call it in Zanzibar. After having one month with beautiful weather, the cranes where opened exactly the 1st of November and we had several days in a row with quite heavy rain. And when it rains here, it rains a lot!

After our Swahili-class on Wednesday we were literally forced to go to a café as it was raining so badly that we couldn’t walk (Jurgita’s computer bag started to be wet even though it was covered). Making the best out of the situation we decided to have some lunch. So we sat there and looked outside. There was a river in the street. We had to wait for a while for the rain to stop, but eventually we went out and walked in the 15-centimeter water in the streets of Stone Town.

Well, I guess we have to get used to it. The small rainy season lasts only for a month while the main rainy season starts from middle/late March till late May. We have to consider what we’ll do, but our best option might be to invest in floating madras and some umbrellas.

The local people doesn´t seem to care much about the weather.

The local people doesn´t seem to care much about the weather.

The view from our window at Haukeland house

The view from our window at Haukeland house.

Jurgita in the rivers of Stone Town/Zanzibar.

Jurgita in the rivers of Stone Town/Zanzibar.

Wet season. Best to stay inside.

Wet season. Best to stay inside.

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