// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Is this Paradise?

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 19. oktober , 2014 kl. 22:34

We thought we have seen lots of amazing beaches and it would be difficult to surprise us. Well, how much nicer than really nice can it get? Well, we realized it can be even nicer than really nice…

Our driver Juma drove us to Kendwa, north on Zanzibar this Friday. We booked two nights on Sunset bungalows together with a few friends from the Haukeland house. The plan was to chill and celebrate Jurgita’s birthday.

And what an amazing place we came to! The bungalows were on the beach which was wide and soft, and white sand took us into the crystal clear water. We have to admit, we have never seen anything like this before!

We spent the weekend literally on the beach- from the morning to the evening… We had an amazing weekend with great people!

Before we left our new favorite beach-destination, Jurgita said; This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I think we have to go here once a month (hope she means while we are here in Zanzibar…)

We will let the photos beneath tell the rest of the story!

And yes, Jurgita’s b-day celebration was fantastic: “Happy b-day to you” was performed in Swahili, English and Norwegian J We didn’t meet any Lithuanians there, but we decided to sing it twice in Lithuanian next year, so it’s ok…

Fantastic beach on the northern end of Zanzibar

Fantastic beach on the northern end of Zanzibar

Taking a dip in the warm waters of Kendwa

Taking a dip in the warm waters of Kendwa

Blue and crystal clear water

Blue and crystal clear water

Just before it gets dark at Kendwa

Just before it gets dark at Kendwa

A place to relax the whole day

A place to relax the whole day

Wooden boats on the beach

Wooden boats on the beach

Our bungalow where we stayed for two nights

Our bungalow where we stayed for two nights

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