// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar


Kategori: Ukategorisert | 1 kommentar » - Skrevet søndag 12. oktober , 2014 kl. 19:40

Around 30 minutes boat-trip from Stonetown, there is a place called sandbank: it’s an island, a sand heaven that you can see when the tide is low and disappears when the tide is high.

So we checked the tide-schedule and went there on Saturday. And you know what? People didn’t exaggerate: it is a paradise on earth! It’s literally a beach surrounded by the Indian Ocean with crystal clear water and amazing shells… We would have stayed there so much longer, but the water started to claim it back. It’s good our captain was waiting for us in the boat (he was sleeping, but we managed to wake him up).

This is one of the places at Zanzibar that we are sure we will visit again and again.


On our way to the sandbank 30 minutes from the coast

On our way to the sandbank 30 minutes from the coast

We found it! This must be Paradise.

We found it! This must be Paradise.

Two women with colorful clothes walking on the sandbank

Two women with colorful clothes walking on the sandbank

Nice beach, crystal clear water

Nice beach, crystal clear water

One of many fascinating shells

One of many fascinating shells


  1. Lene sier:

    Ser bare helt utrolig fantastisk ut!!! Bare litt misunnelig!! Kos dere masse masse, så vel fortjent! Stor klem

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