// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

The Beach and the Monkey

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet torsdag 9. oktober , 2014 kl. 19:06

Just 10 minutes walk from Haukeland house there is a beautiful Hotel beach with a nice pier and sunbeds. It´s a perfect place to relax and swim (in relatively warm water:). There is also a bar/restaurant with a beautiful view for the sunset. The interesting thing here is water: last time we were here, it was low tide- we could see so much sand and shells, while today it was all covered with water.

Think we´ve got a good friend there as well. He likes beer, and is really cute and entertaining! We have to find a name for him!

Thomas and Jurgita

Beautiful beach located 10 minutes walk from our home

Beautiful beach located 10 minutes walk from our home

The Pier is nicely set up with sunbeds and umbrella.

The Pier is nicely set up with sunbeds and umbrella.

View from the pier to the beach

View from the pier to the beach

Our little friend wants beer

Our little friend wants beer

Yes, we like Zanzibar!

Yes, we like Zanzibar!

A bar/restaurant with a perfect location

A bar/restaurant with a perfect location

Jurgita enjoying the sunset.

Jurgita enjoying the sunset.


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