// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Stonetown and The city beach

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 2 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 5. oktober , 2014 kl. 22:39

On Sunday (5th of October) we went to the capital of Zanzibar (and the birthplace of Queen-singer Freddy Mercury): Stonetown. A beautiful little town, full of small shops, cafes and narrow streets. Big part of it faces the sea, and we spent a few hours just sitting at beach-cafes watching people passing by. We loved it there and we`ll be going there as often as we can!

Stonetown is only six kilometers from Haukeland House, so it`s easy for us to get there. Today we used local transport, called daladala, which basically is a truck that they fill up with as many people as possible… We realized that tuk-tuk in Bangkok is quite safe and luxury compared to daladala here J But it was fun and we are going to take it again.

A few pictures from Stonetown and The city beach below.

Warm greetings from T&J :)

Jurgita enjoying life at Livingstone at sunset

Jurgita enjoying life at Livingstone at sunset

Stonetown - capital of Zanzibar

Stonetown – capital of Zanzibar

Stonetown is full of narrow streets like this

Stonetown is full of narrow streets like this


View from a rooftop terrace

View from a rooftop terrace


Lokal kids taking a dip at the city beach

Lokal kids taking a dip at the city beach

The pier with a restaurant and beautiful sand underneath

The pier with a restaurant and beautiful sand underneath



  1. Agne sier:

    Looks like a beach paradise – absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for keeping us posted.. Some future pics of the local food would be interesting, not that I’m making requests ;-P

    Enjoy your adventure! x

  2. tojtravel sier:

    Thanks, Agne! Some pics of local food- of course, will be :)

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