// Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas
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Travelblog by Jurgita and Thomas

Destination: Zanzibar

Finally there!

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet fredag 3. oktober , 2014 kl. 21:36

Finally there!

It`s our second day out of 300 here in Zanzibar. We have already moved in to Haukeland house where we will spend the next 10 months together with nine other Norwegian families. The flat is nice with our own bedroom, livingroom and shared balcony. We live on the top floor, close to the beautiful rooftop terrace with a fantastic view towards the sea (Zanzibar Channel).

Jurgita has started her job at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital. She will be picked up by the driver 7.45 every morning. She met other Norwegians for lunch, so we started to know some people here.

I came to meet her at the hospital after she was finished (well, you know Jurgita: she wasn`t ready on time… so I was kindly asked to wait for her till she finished discussing some things.)

On the way to the city center we meet our neighbors from the Haukeland House. They showed us around and gave us some very important information (like where we can by wine!! :)

The day (2nd Of October) was finished with a dinner at the restaurant African House just meters from the ocean and with an amazing view to a beautiful sunset.

Tomorrow will be our first visit to the beach. Looking forward to it!

This will be our home the next ten months.

This will be our home the next ten months.

Sunset from African house in Stone Town

Sunset from African house in Stone Town


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